We lost Mark Long, Katie Doyle, KellyAnne Judd, Leroy Garrett, Amanda Garcia, Paulie Calafiore and Nurys Mateo in the first spoiler drop posted for season 40 of The Challenge.

Excuse me one moment.




So I normally refrain from posting spoilers on the blog, but the moment I saw this elimination spoiler bomb on my feed, I thought to myself, “The Challenge, you’re celebrating your 40th season, which is not just a milestone for the franchise, but also a do or die moment for the flagship show. So you’re going to start things off by having these early boots?” That totally makes sense. Let’s have our 40th season cast include the Godfather in his 50s going up against twenty-something and thirty-something competitors while he already has his All-Stars spinoff doing so well, a 40-something mother with a deathly fear of heights, a woman that has never had been on the right side of the house on the flagship show, a guy that has never sniffed the second half of a season, another guy with a tortured history of falling short of the summit while also being continuously disrespected by production in more ways than one, two of the most “devoted against the hierarchy” vets in recent memory, and a runner-up/fan favorite from last season that I could’ve sworn had stated that she was going to take a season off to recover from the physical pain she endured. What could possibly go wrong, except a vicious fanbase ready to have our heads chopped off and served on a silver platter? This is just great. It’s totally fine. I’m really excited about watching Darrell and Aneesa drag their fragile old bones around the ground, while Bananas and Tori drag the Vacation alliance to a win in the finals. Fucking great. Yeah, I have no desire to tune in, let alone recap this on a weekly basis. Nothing’s changing. This is Turk182 for Reality TV Guide, and fuck my life

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