Big Brother All-Stars (2020) – Episode 7 Recap

Previously on Big Brother All-Stars (2020), the show kicked off its 22nd season with a lot of expectations that they’ve learned from the lessons of the enabled racism from BB21. After two weeks, the show has seemingly fixed its race problems from last season. However, they’ve continued to twist the knife in ways that resemble Chinese torture when it comes to mob alliances that constantly run the house throughout the game. This time, we have the Committee, another alliance with majority numbers created in the first week that, you guessed it, does not have a single BIPOC houseguest on their roster. Even by Big Brother standards, this season has been an agonizing one.

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Big Brother All-Stars (2020) – Episode 6 Recap

The term “all-girl alliance”. This gets thrown around a lot in the Big Brother house every year. Very few of them have actually manifested over the years, let alone succeeded. However, building our hopes up for one to form and dominate the season, as well as watching the numerous attempts made, is usually  the most fun we’ll ever have watching a new season. This year, we’ve finally got ourselves an all-girl alliance… and they’ve started up a Big Brother podcast together. Three female Big Brother superfans have started up a podcast called the All Girls Alliance Podcast. They frequently host discussions over this season and try to add a female perspective. The female theme is constantly present, from the discussion points to the special guests. If you’re curious to check them out, you can follow their podcast on Twitch and YouTube. Also, give them a follow on Twitter to keep up with all their updates. Now, onto the feature presentation.

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Take Off, You Hosers!: The Tragedy of Big Brother Canada 8

Big Brother Canada is one of the proudest iterations in the history of this global reality franchise. I’ve recapped the first season a few years back, and most of my opinions continue to hold up to this day.

It… is one of the saddest fucking things I’ve ever experienced.

This season was meant to embody the superhero theme. Instead, the show ended up feeling like they just lost the Infinity War. Everything just went wrong for them in ways that can’t be explained. It was so cursed, that I can’t even call this piece a recap. It’s more of an analysis. There are so many questions that I have. How did this superhero-themed season get loaded with so much kryptonite? This is what I’m calling Take Off, You Hosers!: The Tragedy of Big Brother Canada 8.

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Big Brother All-Stars (2020) – Episode 5 Recap

You will never come across a reality TV fanbase more outspoken and passionate as Big Brother. They voice their opinions loudly, proudly, and in unison. And the one place you’ll find them all is on the Internet, either posting tweets or creating podcasts. One such podcast that I’d like to promote at this time is called “Girl, Let’s Agree to Disagree”. Formed on YouTube by Big Brother 21 castmates Jessica Milagros and Kemi Fakulne, plus Ovi Kapar’s girlfriend, Hannah Blackwell, this channel frequently uploads videos discussing the new season. They usually go over each new episode or week, and they’ll usually have a special guest come on to chat with them. If you’re curious to check them out, subscribe to their YouTube channel now. Besides, with two of the least problematic people from BB21 behind this, you can’t go wrong. Now, onto the feature presentation! Continue reading

Big Brother All-Stars (2020) – Episode 3 Recap

Everyone in the Big Brother fanbase has shown their approval for the casting in the 2020 All-Stars season. Still, there are some previous competitors that you wish had been cast as well. But it’s okay. Their spirits will be 100% present this season, as they watch along with us and start vlogs and podcasts to talk about the game. One such vlog that you can check out now comes from BB20’s Haleigh Broucher. Throughout the season, the newly-single fan favorite will be posting regularly with episode recaps, cast breakdowns, and several other extras. Catch all of Haleigh’s videos on her YouTube account now, plus subscribe to her Patreon page for more exclusive content. Oh yeah, and remember to show her some love. After all, she was the only smart one in her alliance. Now, onto the feature presentation.

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Big Brother All-Stars (2020) – Episode 2 Recap

With the brand new season of Big Brother off to a start, every person in the fandom and their mothers are celebrating the All-Stars format, and those mothers make up the majority of the fandom. So as social media has become key to maintaining your social life during these times of distancing, you’ll see a lot more of these fans start to turn to social media to talk about it, even to the extent of starting vlogs and podcasts. One such podcast that we want to promote today is The Secret Alliance Podcast, starring Big Brother 3 contestants Jason Guy and Danielle Reyes. For those that are unfamiliar, Danielle and Jason made one of the most unlikely alliances in Big Brother history. No one expected a young white Christian virgin and an outspoken African-American mother to not only align together, but also be very efficient as a duo. No one even caught on to the alliance. Throughout the whole season, they made it all the way to the final 3 without being called out or getting nominated. Now, with the new Big Brother All-Stars, they are proving that not even a pandemic can prevent them from reuniting. With The Secret Alliance Podcast, they’ll be talking all about the new season as it progresses. On some episodes, they’ll either be talking with each other, or they’ll have a guest from a previous season. You can listen to the podcast on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or TuneIn, or you can watch it on YouTube for those who prefer a visual experience. Go to to find all the links to their podcasts and social media accounts. Now, onto the feature presentation.

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Big Brother All-Stars (2020) – Episode 1 Recap

With everything bad that’s been going on in 2020, I didn’t think that the one thing that could salvage it was a new season of Big Brother.


And yet, here we are.

They had us convinced that returnees on BB22 was not in the cards. I mean, just look at producers pump out these casting calls and generating a huge turnout. These new faces are the future of Big Brother. This blind recruiting has worked out so well for us in the past. I don’t see any scenario how this method could fail us now.

And at the exact moment when they forget to follow their own motto, the COVID-19 pandemic shuts everything down and halts casting for this season as soon as casting starts picking up steam. This pandemic has been brutal on TV show productions, scripted or unscripted, and some of them have already said that they are unable to resume in time for their normal premieres. Sure, Hollywood has given TV shows the green light to resume production since June. But even then, there’s a lot of planning that has to be considered in order to keep everyone safe. Big Brother became one of the few shows to understand how to operate under the safety protocols. Heck, the show’s premise revolves around a quarantine, so they’d be perfect to set the bar. But then, there’s also the factor of casting. They would have to go through everyone that they’ve looked at from the small pool they have, and reopening the casting calls now would give them very little time to pull off for a summer show. Then, whether the stay-at-home made them re-evaluate their priorities or Allison Grodner found Jesus, they actually started listening to the fans’ fantasies about an all-stars season. After some major consideration, they finally told themselves, “Maybe this could work.” After all, when you look at it, it makes perfect sense. Recruiting past players for the show’s second all-returnee season eliminates the challenge of pulling a cast of newbies out of their ass in a small window of opportunity, because they’re easier to recruit and still have their contacts saved by producers. Plus, doing this the right way will restore faith and trust with the fans, and they’ll also get a shining light in a year that’s been unforgiving thus far. Restoring faith and a smooth pre-production process. That’s all it takes to meet the Big Brother rituals in 2020. Well, that and a special occasion. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the American version premiering on TV, and if there was any appropriate time to do an all-star season, it’s right now.

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