Big Brother All-Stars (2020) – Episode 5 Recap

You will never come across a reality TV fanbase more outspoken and passionate as Big Brother. They voice their opinions loudly, proudly, and in unison. And the one place you’ll find them all is on the Internet, either posting tweets or creating podcasts. One such podcast that I’d like to promote at this time is called “Girl, Let’s Agree to Disagree”. Formed on YouTube by Big Brother 21 castmates Jessica Milagros and Kemi Fakulne, plus Ovi Kapar’s girlfriend, Hannah Blackwell, this channel frequently uploads videos discussing the new season. They usually go over each new episode or week, and they’ll usually have a special guest come on to chat with them. If you’re curious to check them out, subscribe to their YouTube channel now. Besides, with two of the least problematic people from BB21 behind this, you can’t go wrong. Now, onto the feature presentation!

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