Sarah Palin’s Alaska – Series Recap


What can you say about Alaska? There are so many nice things you can say about this state that’s a part of our country. It has snow, ice, mountains, freezing temperatures, eskimos, Native Americans, fish, igloos, pipelines, the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, and so much more. Also, it has a great political field.

Sarah Palin

Look at the face of this politician and tell me that it represents a great figure of our country’s political… OH, JUST GET TO THE TITLE CARD ALREADY!


Sarah Palin, the woman single-handedly responsible for demolishing the credibility of the Republican party, was already making a name for herself as a celebrity, just for gaining the attention of news outlets and tabloid markets with her questionable lifestyle and her crazy moments. So in 2010, America found the perfect place for her to showcase her questionable lifestyle and her crazy moments: a TLC reality show, produced by Mark Burnett, that mercifully lasted 9 episodes and was called Sarah Palin’s Alaska.


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