Britney and Kevin: Chaotic Recap


Britney Spears is a very interesting pop star to say the least. she was dressed in skimpy outfits, but they were still safe for television. She wasn’t the best singer, but there was enough talent for her to put to good use.

The method hasn’t always worked. By 2004, her actual life was getting out of hand and unraveling in the public eye. As a result she wasn’t scoring any hits, she wasn’t selling any albums, her tours were getting canceled, and all her endorsements were getting terminated. But, was she still in love with the guys that made PopoZão? Then, she truly has nothing.

It’s an unpleasant mindfuck trip that I’m sure you want to see me go on. Bad news, everyone. You’re all joining me. That’s right! Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night! Episode one of Chaotic, now!

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