The Problem With MTV – EDITORIAL

Hi there, folks! It’s Warren Mitchell, the administrator for Reality TV Guide, and it’s time for another one of my editorials. Did you guys catch the MTV Video Music Awards earlier this week? I didn’t. I had other plans that night. But I did keep up with the tweets during the event. Here are some of the most noteworthy ones.

I never realized MTV was bored of its own programming.

Slednecks Cast Really Loves Our Twitter Posts

Over the past week or two, we’ve been talking a lot about MTV’s Slednecks. On Christmas Eve, I did the recap on season 1 and ripped it to shreds in the process. Then, not long after that, our staff put it at #5 on our Top 10 Worst Reality Shows of 2014 list. Then, on New Year’s Eve, MTV declined to renew it for season 2.

While we stand by some of our criticisms for it, we also acknowledged the cast members as very kind people. So, when we mentioned Slednecks on our Twitter account, they were very kind with us. Big Mike favorited our link to the recap when it went up. Even when we announced on Twitter that Slednecks was the 5th worst show of the year, we received a reply from Trevor Hash:

Here’s our Tweet for the cancellation of Slednecks:

That post received a favorite AND a retweet from Trevor, which received two replies from his cast mates Kelly Hill and Amber Stepp. So with that in mind, we posted this tweet:

That tweet received a favorite and a retweet from Amber, AND she replied to us with this:

It’s good to know that there are reality stars that really like our comments about their shows, even when ours aren’t always positive. So yeah, we really like the cast of Slednecks. They may not have been on a good show, but they can definitely take a joke.

Follow the cast on Twitter

Amber Stepp: @amber_stepp

Big Mike: @MTVbigmike

Dylan Burgess: @DbDylanburgess1

Hali Laughlin: @HaliLaughlin

Jacklynn Nanini: @JackieNanini

Kelly Hill: @akkellyhill

Samantha Barnes: @Thediamondbull

Sierra Medgard: @SledneckSierra

Tosca Yeager: @tosca_yeager

Trevor Hash: @TrevorHash

Zeke Turecki: @Zeke_turecki

And follow us on Twitter @realitytvguide


So, the news broke over Twitter last night that MTV’s Slednecks, which ranked at #5 on our Top 10 Worst Reality Shows of 2014 list, was not renewed for a second season. Apparently, Americans easily realized that it was a rip-off of Buckwild. The show premiered on October 30th, and its lone season consisted of 18 episodes, with the finale airing two weeks ago. Reality TV Guide wasn’t the only site that came down hard on Slednecks. The Guardian referred to it as “Jersey Shore on ice”, Washington Post called out MTV for learning nothing after Buckwild, Common Sense Media said that it “sends a distorted message about what people who live in Alaska are like and the activities they routinely engage in”, and NY Daily News said it offered “too many forced TV dramas that are lukewarm at any temperature.” While MTV has yet to comment, the cast of Slednecks posted tweets on the cancellation.

Fans are already creating petitions to save Slednecks, and some have even suggested that it moves to another network. Sorry, but CMT already has a Party Down South.


TURK182: This is Reality TV Guide, and we came to make everyone feel better about themselves. I’m Turk182!

XTRA MAN: I’m Xtra Man.

GOSSIP WOMAN: I’m Gossip Woman.

LOUD MOUTH: My name’s Loud Mouth.

POPS ROSS E.: I’m Pops Ross E.

JACK S.: I’m Jack S.

JOE AVERAGE: And I’m Joe Average, the intern.

TURK182: Today, the staff at Reality TV Guide are getting together to talk about the 10 Worst Reality Shows of 2014.

LOUD MOUTH: This was a list that the entire group decided on as a whole.

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Slednecks – Season 1 Recap

A new reality show that takes place in Alaska and doesn’t feature Sarah Palin’s family? Well, shut up and take my money!

Back a few months ago, MTV unleashed their newest reality show titled Slednecks. It takes a couple of 20-somethings from Wasilla, Alaska.

A beautiful sight we’re happy tonight, walking in a winter wasteland. This is Slednecks!

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